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Joined 1,768 days ago

We monitor ongoing protests, riots, wars, and general manifestations around the world and provide maps that allow people to share locations of dangerous events anonymously and stay safe.

Public maps

All the public maps that ProtestWatch has created

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Twin Cities riots

135 markers • Made by a user

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Minnesota, Atlanta and the rest of the US occurring due to the Twin Cities riots. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported. If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

Edit: you now need to be logged in to create markers on this map.

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Serbia 2020 Protests

22 markers • Made by a user

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Serbia following protests. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported.

If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker. You can choose one of the existing labels or create your own.

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Portland Protests

30 markers • Made by a user

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Portland due to the recent protests. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported. If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

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Zimbabwe 2020 Protests

4 markers • Made by a user

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Zimbabwe due to recent protests. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported. If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

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Lebanon August 8th Protests

6 markers • Made by a user

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Lebanon during the protests due to to recent explosions. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported.

If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

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Protesty w Polsce

12 markers • Made by a user

Publiczna mapa ktora przedstawia wydarzenia związane z protestami w Polsce.

Zgłaszane są zdarzenia, które mogą być niebezpieczne dla ludzi w okolicy. Jeśli widzisz coś niebezpiecznego, możesz kliknąć prawym przyciskiem myszy (albo naciśnięciu i przytrzymaniu na telefonie komórkowym) na mapie, aby utworzyć znacznik.

ENGLISH: This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Warsaw during the protests due to recent events. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported.

If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

Wiecej info:,79cfc278,54420,26597863,wszyscy-na-pis-protest-srodowisk-antyrzadowych-w-rocznice-stanu.html

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🇺🇦 Ukraine crisis

728 markers • Made by a user

This live, community driven map, showed initial events as they occured in Ukraine.

Please mark any dangerous incidents you see (right click or long-tap on mobile). Be weary of how the information you post here could affect others. DO NOT SHARE INFORMATION THAT COULD BE DETRIMENTAL.

Please note that this is a community driven map, so information should be taken with a grain of salt.

Ця жива карта, керована громадою, показує події, які відбуваються в Україні.

Будь ласка, позначте будь-які небезпечні інциденти, які ви бачите (клацніть правою кнопкою миші або тривалий дотик на мобільному пристрої). Будьте втомлені тим, як інформація, яку ви розміщуєте тут, може вплинути на інших. НЕ ДІЛІТЕСЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЄЮ, ЩО МОЖЕ НАНЕСЯТИ ШКОДУ.

Зауважте, що це карта, яку керує громада, тому інформацію слід сприймати з недовірою.

Public contributions

All the public maps that ProtestWatch has created markers on

ProtestWatch has no public map contributions to show right now